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14 March 2012


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Water fer sure and the napping equipment sounds good - perhaps add an eye shade and ear plugs. And I would want it to be clear of all dust bunnies and odors. A clean, green room sans any stinky odors unless they happened to have a nice Stilton and port - that stink and mold I would not object too. And a fresh toothbrush and tube of lip goo. hee hee


- a hammock
- a big bowl of physalis
- wireless (I bring my own laptop)
- M&Ms, definitely a good idea
- Masala chai, gallons of it
- Fritz Kola (a brand of coke sold only in Germany, as a bit of a challenge)
- quiet, ear plugs are not an option


Laughing about the Fritz Kola.

And, wtf, Stilton? You could perform after eating Stilton cheese?


A hot pink boa and a block style necklace that reads "Pinky...", well, you know the rest ;)


Melitha! Thanks for checking in!


You know those Costco-sized tubs of cheese balls? Yeah. One of those, please.


Eeew orange powder on the pillow!

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