I've never really stood up for myself well, much less an entire gender. Or humanity. I was hoping for a revelation when I saw Gloria Steinem speak in person. I've never read Ms. or any of her books. Ever. Have you?
Her address was all over the place, and chock full of sound bites from what if men menstruated to "We're not crazy - our system is crazy."
Among the sound bites, I think, unless I just read this on her site: “Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning."
But here's what I actually took away, and it's a similar urgent message to one I got from a college professor doing work in other countries to further educational efforts for women.
We have to educate the girls in the world. Without education, girls don't have the knowledge or power to make stuff, support themselves, and raise smart kids. In sexist societies where women are barred from getting an education, there's more violence and hatred.
Educated women are the key to peace.
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