I definitely have a love-hate relationship with going back to school. I love class but I hate preparing for it. In fact, I get so anxious on the afternoon of class day that I have to either drink my chamomile lavender tea an hour beforehand, or pop a little yellow pill. Or both.
I'm definitely not as bunched up as I was a few weeks ago, but I'm still a tightly wound nerve ball. I think about all the homework problems I couldn't get right, about how I spent 10 hours on studying one chapter and only spent 5 hours on the remaining 3 chapters for the week and then how I can't remember anything even with my homemade flash cards.
Sometimes this class prep routine ends up being...not so good. Last night was one of those times. My little helper pill and my sleep deprivation and cumulative anxiety rendered me a little groggy. Bad decisions. Plus I still was sporting "wedding hair" from the wedding I attended on Saturday night. Big and poufy but made bigger by feeling frazzled.
And here's what I hate more. I'm sitting in class, and the professor throws a question out. Maybe it's something like, "How does the Japanese macroeconomy differ from the U.S. macroeconomy?" Easy, right? Well, believe it or not, that answer I knew. I can't believe I know that. I didn't know how to answer that 5 weeks ago. Education is cool.
So, when I know an answer, I blurt it out. Actually, I've learned to raise my hand. (Years of blurting out thoughts at meetings had obliterated my classroom manners.)
Then the professor asks another question, something dealing with numbers, something like, "What is the U.S. budget deficit?" and I can't remember. I especially can't remember because I put all my energy into remembering what was going on in Japan, and also because I was zonked. So I shook my head to signal "I don't know" and looked around the room at the other students. Nobody answered her. Then she yelled at us in disbelief.
I was thinking I was the only one zonked out on drugs and sleepless and forgetful about numbers. What's their excuse? Maybe the zombies got to them and ate half their brains. But come on, at least one person in the class had to know the answer. Right? Anyway, that, I hate. Then I also hate myself for not knowing. Because if I knew, I would have answered her instead of sitting through 20 seconds of irritating silence while everyone looked around the room like a bunch of dumbasses.
Also I've been eating like a student. Quick comfort foods like takeout burritos (fresh made not frozen!), mac-n-cheese, soup, apples, Kit Kats and eggs. (I like eggs.) Everything but ramen noodles. But I miss cooking every night. I don't know if I can keep eating like this or my butt is going to be too big for all my favorite sweaters. Because the other thing I hate about spending 20 hours a week sitting on my butt studying, after sitting on my butt working, (combined with sitting on my butt watching Glee,) I'm just not moving enough. Oh, whoah is me.
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