When I was a naive college freshman I said something that offended some of the people in my dorm.
They were Jewish, and I was not. I was, in fact, heavy into a born-again Christian phase.
I don't regret the phase because it was what literally saved me at a very vulnerable time before my freshman year, but, I do regret some of the attitudes I had temporarily adopted.
Anyway, my dorm-mates and I were talking about our cultural or ethnic backgrounds one night and of course mine is suburban euro-mutt so that's so very fascinating, and one of my friends said she was Jewish. And I was like, "No, that's a religion. That's not a culture. Where is your family FROM?" the typical U.S. American conversation. And she argued, "No, I'm Jewish. It's a race." we went back and forth and I got very judgy like I knew it all, at age 18. It left me confused and with one less friend, and to this day I still talk about the issue with D., who never says "My family is German." He always says he is Jewish. And I never really get it.
This news item I just read piqued my interest:
"Using sophisticated genomic analysis, scientists have probed the ancestry of several Jewish and non-Jewish populations and better defined the relatedness of contemporary Jewish people. The research, published in the June issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics, may shed light on the question, first raised more than a century ago, of whether Jews are a race, a religious group or something else."
First, calm yourself, don't be so shocked that I do read Science Daily alongside OK! Magazine and the Chronicle of Philanthropy.
Based on scientific research and not just belief, I now perceive that the Jews are a race and are bound together by religion and cultural traditions.
I can't compare being Jewish to being Christian, and I've tried to organize that in my head over the past 20 years.
The other reason this study is interesting to me, thinking about current events, is that the other day I got a tweet about a video showing a passionate Palestinian group protesting Israel in the wake of this whole flotilla thing, and against them stood a solitary Israeli student.
But at the end of the video, the Palestinian demonstrators tell the reporter "There should not be an Israeli state, it does not even exist" Hmm. I think there have been some mighty big advantages of having an Israeli state. "The only reason Israel is doing this is they got kicked out of Germany whatever happened to them." Jeeezus, they sound less informed than I am but even I know that 'whatever happened to them' was called GENOCIDE.
So this linked together in my head. Genetically, scientifically, the Jewish people are from Israel. Even if you don't care what the Bible or other documents and proclamations say about having a birthright to Israel, does a scientific study bring some logic to it? Well, I think we're way beyond logic in the conflict. Why all the fighting? Why all the misunderstanding? The hate?
The frustrating thing is it's not logical. It's not about land or religion, as some Americans think. I think it's about resentment and hatred of a race.
I'm a pro-Israel shiksa moderate Republican and you can have at me now, dear reader.
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