I talk to my dad every day. He's almost 82.
Last week:
Dad: Do you know Pat Boone?
Me: Yes.
Dad: Well he's been around!
Me: Yah, Debby Boone's dad.
Dad: There's a TV ad with him selling TV Ears. They can save your marriage! I can't hear the TV, and your mother always says it's too loud. I thought I'd take Pat's advice. Although I think his wife is dead.
Me: OK. Did you buy them?
Dad: Well, here's what I did. I called their phone number and I talked to a "Jose" in San Diego. His name was Jose but he didn't have a Spanish accent, I could understand him, so I don't know if his name was really Jose or not...
Me: Daaaaaaaaadddd...
Dad: OK, so I said to Jose, are you really in San Diego? And he said yes. So I said, my sister lived in San Diego, in the College Heights neighborhood. Do you know it? And he did! He doesn't live far from there. So that proves he's actually in San Diego. Ha! Well, we talked for a while about the city. Then I asked Jose if these TV Ears really worked the way Pat Boone says they do. And he assured me they do, and they're easy to set up. I asked him if they really do save marriages! Ha ha!
Me: OK, so they're coming in the mail? And you can return them if they don't work out?
Dad: Jose said they're on their way! I can't wait! They're coming by UPS.
This is basically how every interaction is between my dad and people he encounters, especially during lockdown while he's cooped up in the house most of the time. He loves talking to people. Got the gift of gab. I don't really have that gift. Maybe I'm not really his kid. Anyway, I wonder what Jose thought of my dad.
p.s. The TV Ears arrived and the set up was not what Dad expected, something got in the way, I don't know what, so he returned them. Something else will have to bring harmony to his marriage.