I read an article in the New York Times a few months ago (I know, I'm really timely and relevant - but wait, I do have a point) about Oprah Winfrey being at a crossroads.
Well, maybe she's not, because after all, she's OPRAH. But her media empire is at a crossroads. Was. Whatever.
She's showing signs of strain and fear of failure. I don't feel sorry for her; she's a strong creative woman, she'll make it work.
Her magazine was floundering just a little bit. To solve the problem she, just like Martha Stewart, wants a younger audience. Women in their 20's and 30s. How's that going for you, Oprah?
Oprah wants to bring younger women aboard to shape their minds because we 40-somethings should have it all figured out by now.
She says she wants "to be able to reach people when they are looking to fulfill their destiny.” She added, “By the time you’re 40, 42, you should have kind of figured it out already.”
"should have kind of figured it out already?"
It's that word "should" that makes me crazy. Like it's one of Oprah's rules that I have it figured out. If I knew my destiny, I could fulfill it. Maybe I am fulfilling my destiny and I just don't realize it. But a "should" isn't going to make it happen. Maybe I should have read more issues of the magazine in my 30s.
I'm 45 and I haven't a clue as to my destiny or my life plan or what I want to be when I grow up. I don't have it even kind of figured out, already.
She is tedious and has all the bloody answers. I really loathe her and think there is a very fine line between how she made her millions and how Jerry Springer & Maury Povich have made theirs
Posted by: Donald | 16 April 2013 at 07:57 PM
I'm kind of inclined to agree with Donald. Also, isn't she responsible for Dr. Phil. For that I may not be able to forgive her.
Posted by: joanne | 16 April 2013 at 09:28 PM
I'd like to retitle this "Reason #2934085 Why Oprah Should Suck It." Don't let her get you down, B. You'll figure things out in your own time.
Posted by: Katey911 | 16 April 2013 at 10:04 PM