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15 November 2011


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WHO THE F#@% IS THIS PETE CHARACTER? And did you see them playing basketball on an AIRCRAFT CARRIER? I still need more socks. xxxooo :) emoticon emoticon


Aw, I hope this visit gave you what you needed. Looking forward to OUR visit soon!

Also, the BF would love you for mentioning "Nights on Broadway."


LOL at the aircraft carrier reference.

KtP, I think the BF will agree that the bridge of Nights on Broadway is amaaaaazing. When it goes from "Even if it takes a lifetime, takes a life time...." then cuts loose BLAMING IT ALL ON THE NIGHTS ON BROADWAY The song gets double points because I can't hear it and not think of the Barry Gibb Talk Show with Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon.
Also, I am looking forward to our visit soon too! Very much!

Husband of BFF

I am not afraid to say this blog made me cry. You two need to do these types of things more often, perhaps quarterly at a minimum!

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