I started a walk/run program with a friend. I'd call it Couch to 5K except I'm not following the program exactly yet. My friend has it downloaded to her iPod and I just follow her.
My knees hurt already, but, I haven't keeled over yet so I think it's pretty successful after the first couple of outings. Of course, while we're running for those initial 30-second bursts, we say things to each other like, "I think I'm dying." and "C'mon, we're over 40. It's time to take back our bodies!"
Also, we said, "My boobs are killing me!"
I decided to go to a department store to pick up a sports bra. What woman doesn't have at least an old sports bra in her dresser? This woman.
So I'm in the store concentrating on the varied selection of uniboob causing contraptions, since it's been a long time since I've bought one, and another customer pushes into the same rack, and she said, "I'm sorry, but I have to get my daughter one of these."
"That's OK..." I responded, like a doormat. Then I turned and came face to face with her daughter, a tween-aged girl who said, "Hi what's your name? What's your name?"
"Um...hi. I'm Laura. What's yours?"
"Hi Laura look what I got today...games! Games! Games! Laura, look!"
Her mom hurriedly went through the sports bras looking for an extra-small size for her daughter. "Tiffany, you didn't tell her your name."
"Laura guess what I did? I took a nap on that couch over there."
I was uncomfortable. Why? The child seemed to have some kind of developmental disability, and was also being kind of a pain in the ass. The mom was breezing through the racks. But I felt awkward, just waiting for them to get done with their shopping so I could finish my search, and in the meantime, conversing with Tiffany.
I don't know why it bothered me. Especially since I used to work with an organization that provided services to people with all kinds of developmental disabilities, so I've been schooled. But I still didn't know how to be me around this mother and daughter, just some stilted version of myself. I told myself to stop being a jerk.
Then the mom turned around and said to me, "This is the BEST sports bra. Look, I got these big knockers and it's awesome for me." Wow, she really did have a big, tanned rack, I noticed.
She handed me this bra - Bali Active by Champion.
My mood was instantly lifted by this helpful mom who clearly had her hands full. And who called her boobs "knockers."
The bra is awesome.
The hardest part of running is getting started. If you stick with it, you will look back at this time and marvel at how far you've come. When I started running 10 years ago, I couldn't even run around the block! Endurance comes quickly and nothing will shape your legs more than running.
Good luck and good job on the sports bra! We busty gals need support!
Posted by: lg | 18 July 2011 at 04:07 PM