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11 January 2011


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Tom Guarriello

I'm an egg salad fanatic. Karen and I have been searching for the perfect hard boiling method for decades. We have used your method and like it, but we're still on our Quest.

Your recipe looks very good. Add a couple of cornichon if you're feeling really fancy pants.

Peeved Michelle

I use mayo, a touch of mustard, and a salt mix, like Paula Deen's house seasoning or Jane's Crazy Mixed Up Salt. I boil the eggs any old way I please since I can never remember the "perfect" way. This way seems pretty easy, though.


Dill. Dill is awesome in egg salad. I love dill. I would love to sleep on a pillow made of dill.

Capers are also good in egg salad.

Anyway, adding some white vinegar to the water helps cut down on the stinky egg smell while cooking. It also helps them not stink as much if you store in the frig for eating hard-boiled.

Off to boil some eggs for spinach salad now. You planted the seed.


Cornichon would be lovely. Thanks for the vinegar tip! I'm not a dillhead but I like a tiny bit in moderation, would be good in this! I love salt, I would put it on everything I make, but I try to make a few things without using it.

Thank you fellow egg fanatics!


Two seconds before I saw this post, I was talking egg salad with a coworker who was eating egg white salad.

Thanks for the tips on boiling; I always forget.


I particularly liked the use of toothsome.
The Diner makes a lovely curry egg salad - must use my last Groupon to get some.

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