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25 September 2010


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Not Catholic, not anything, but attended a Catholic mass/ funeral this summer and was astounded by the number of "mourners" in flip flops, cargo shorts, tube dresses, etc.

I tend ot overdress as I'd rather look fab than drab but really, people? You can't pull it -- or an apporpriate outfit -- together for a funeral or wedding? You are that lazy and disrespectful?

It make me shallow but I am totally judging you.


I gave a few people up-and-down judgy looks. I understand the need for some comfort, believe me. But I was quite comfortable once I pinned my boobs down (prior to that I strategically held my beaded handbag in front of my gaping neckline.) This was not a casual wedding, it was a big affair with guys in tuxes. Some people were wearing cute satin dresses while others were in jeans and sneakers. They didn't change for the reception. I don't get it.

And a tube dress at a funeral without some kind of covering thing - I've seen that too and it's utterly unacceptable. Judge.


What people consider acceptable attire at wedding has always been one of my greatest fascinations in life. One of the biggest reasons I love to attend any wedding. The other being it is always fun to watch the blue hairs just gasp at the younger crowd gettin all jiggy on the dance floor after a couple of boozie drinks. But yeah, seeing a guy in sneaks he bought at the Payless BOGO sale along with his wrinkly cargos and a free golf shirt he got for a winning scratch ticket always blows my mind!

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