I have a friend who describes women as such:
1. Hot
2. Hot in a weird way
3. Not hot
I saw The Other Guys, which is the reason I can't get LRB, Little River Band, out of my head. And I've concluded:
Mark Wahlberg: HOT
Will Ferrell: Hot in a weird way
However fun the movie was, it did not leave me laughing. Because, spoiler alert, superimposed upon the ending credits were all kinds of stats and graphs and charts about Ponzi schemes and Madoff and the government bailout.
This was after I drank a lot of wine with dinner with Elise, followed by a $4 box of Skittles, which I seem to only eat after I drink a lot of wine.
And this is how my buzzed ordering went:
"Hi, I'd like a box of $4 Skittles please."
"Would you like any candy with that?"
"No, just the Skittles...I think...that they are not actual food but candy...themselves?"
"Oh yeah. Sorry."
Taste the rainbow.
Mark Wahlberg is so hot. I watched Fear the other night because, well, I could, and because he's delicious in it. I cannot endorse Will Ferrell as any kind of hot, however.
Posted by: KtP | 24 August 2010 at 10:23 AM
i agree re: mark. very hot man indeed.
Posted by: that girl | 24 August 2010 at 11:00 AM
OMG, in Fear he is scary hot in a weird way (because he is murderous and rapey, ew.)
Posted by: blaugra | 24 August 2010 at 04:57 PM
Your intro reminds me of the labels we created for female celebrities back at XYZ company one day when we were bored: cute, pretty, beautiful (only three in this category: Charlize, Katherine, and Halle), gorgeous, hot, over the hill hot/ borderline skanky (Heather, Melanie), Dutch (Maggie, Helena, Rebecca), so u-g-l-y they're hot, funny hot (Cameron), etc.
Posted by: lg | 24 August 2010 at 09:18 PM