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24 August 2010


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Mark Wahlberg is so hot. I watched Fear the other night because, well, I could, and because he's delicious in it. I cannot endorse Will Ferrell as any kind of hot, however.

that girl

i agree re: mark. very hot man indeed.


OMG, in Fear he is scary hot in a weird way (because he is murderous and rapey, ew.)


Your intro reminds me of the labels we created for female celebrities back at XYZ company one day when we were bored: cute, pretty, beautiful (only three in this category: Charlize, Katherine, and Halle), gorgeous, hot, over the hill hot/ borderline skanky (Heather, Melanie), Dutch (Maggie, Helena, Rebecca), so u-g-l-y they're hot, funny hot (Cameron), etc.

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