It was really nice not fretting over the film festival this weekend. So, this is what I did on Saturday and Sunday:
- shopped for carpeting with my beloved - we tried to make this fun, but, yo, you're shopping for CARPET. And you have to hear all about the properties of carpet, and the different carpeting options... zzzzzzzzzzzzz
- barbequed baby back ribs for the first time
- laundry
- baked a blueberry coffee cake - which is cooling off, right now!
- test-rode a few bicycles - "comfort cruisers" yessssss! finally!
- ate too much rice and beans and washed 'em down with tequila
- played on Flickr
- made gazpacho, now that it's officially summer --- here's the recipe!
Tomatoes, cucumber, red sweet pepper, green hot pepper, sweet onion, tomato juice, salt, pepper, Cholula sauce, scallions, fresh chives, cilantro, lime juice.
So, wash, peel, deseed, quarter, whatever needs to be done to a bunch of tomatoes, a cucumber, a red pepper, one or two hot peppers, a sweet onion. Chop these in a food processor (but don't puree them). Process in shifts if you must. I always must. Or just use a knife and pretend that you live in the 1950s.
Add at least 4 cups of tomato juice (low sodium, so I can add my own salt) and stir - add a squeeze of lime, a handful of chopped fresh cilantro and another of chopped green scallions, a tablespoon of worcestershire sauce, and s&p. Vary any ingredients for your taste. I have found that the worcestershire sauce makes a big difference - plus when people ask "what's the difference between salsa fresca and gazpacho?" you can tell them that the secret's in the sauce. Chill for many hours.
I like mine served in a chilled cup or martini glass with a dollop of slightly strained plain yogurt on top. This is one reason to love summer.
We need public Blauauauaugra Flickr shots!
Check out latest Benny snaps on my Flickr.
Posted by: Tom Guarriello | 25 June 2006 at 11:40 PM
Yo - click on the Flickr badge - takes you not only to the film festival group but also you can see all the public photos on my photostream (and if you become a contact of mine, you can see 'em all - but basically I have gradually become more open in sharing)
Posted by: laura - blaugra | 26 June 2006 at 12:28 PM
the benny snaps are GREAT!!!
Posted by: blaugra | 26 June 2006 at 12:29 PM